Event Leadership

Event Leadership Excellence: Strategies to Empower and Inspire Your Team

Stephanie Pennell
Director, Event Marketing, Zoominfo

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In the high-pressure world of event management, leading a successful team requires more than just delegation. It's about creating an environment where trust and empowerment are the cornerstones of team dynamics. 

Stephanie Pennell, Head of Events at ZoomInfo, shared valuable insights during a video session on how leaders in the event space can coach their team members to establish trust within and empower each other. This article recaps Stephanie’s insights from the session. Read on. 

Understanding the concept of coaching-driven leadership

Leading through coaching isn't just a management technique; it's a philosophy. Stephanie describes it as providing an opportunity for your team members to enhance their skills and performance organically. Unlike traditional management, leading via coaching doesn't involve dictating tasks.

"You are allowing them to increase their performance organically and just grow overall in a very healthy way. It’s about mentoring, not micromanaging." 

This approach pushes team members to independently find solutions, take ownership, and sustainably develop their skills.

Building trust within your team

Trust is the foundation of any successful team. Stephanie emphasizes that trust manifests through honesty, open communication, and reliable behavior in the workplace. Leaders should show up consistently, listen actively, and provide constructive feedback. 

These actions reinforce trust and create a safe space where team members feel valued and supported, driving them to take initiative and perform better.

"I can delegate a task, knowing that my team will get it done and will be open to feedback. This trust is mutual. They trust that I’ll represent them well when I take their work to the executive level."

Empowering your team for success

According to Stephanie, empowerment means giving your team the autonomy to make decisions and the opportunity to showcase their strengths.

When your team members feel empowered, they’re more likely to take risks, innovate, and push boundaries—essential qualities in the ever-evolving events industry.

Moreover, empowerment is crucial in the context of events—where creativity and quick thinking are often required. 

"If you’re not empowering your team to take risks and innovate, you’re going to fall behind so fast."

She advocates for a supportive environment that encourages innovation and celebrates both wins and learnings.

Practical takeaways for event leaders

To wrap up her session, Stephanie offered five actionable takeaways for event leaders looking to integrate coaching into their leadership style:

  1. Focus on solutions, not problems: Encourage your team to suggest solutions rather than just identifying issues. This shifts the focus from what's wrong to what can be done, fostering a more positive and proactive environment.
  2. Leverage individual strengths: Recognize that each team member has unique strengths. By tapping into these strengths, you create a well-rounded team that can confidently tackle any challenge.
  3. Conduct consistent one-on-one meetings: Regular check-ins provide an opportunity for feedback and recognition. Stephanie recommends extending these meetings occasionally to allow for deeper discussions.
  4. Integrate coaching into daily interactions: Use everyday opportunities to coach your team. Delegate tasks that encourage growth and resist the urge to micromanage.
  5. Celebrate and inspire: Recognize and celebrate your team's successes. Whether it's a quick shoutout on Slack or a more formal acknowledgment, these moments of recognition boost morale and motivation.

As Stephanie Pennell highlights, these strategies are about not just managing a team but also nurturing a culture where every member feels supported, valued, and motivated to excel. By embracing these principles, event leaders can create a thriving, dynamic team ready to tackle any challenge.

Watch the complete video session for more insights.

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About the Speaker
Stephanie Pennell
Director, Event Marketing, Zoominfo
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