Event Leadership

Prioritizing Mental Health for Event Management Success

Huong Nguyen
Founder & CEO, Shiloh Events

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Mental health often takes a backseat in event management, an industry defined by quick decisions, last-minute changes, and relentless pressure.

However, as Huong Nguyen, CEO and founder of Shiloh Events, emphasizes, prioritizing mental health isn’t just a compassionate choice—it’s a strategic one.

In this article, we’ll recap key insights from Huong’s video presentation on why prioritizing mental health is vital for success in the events industry.

But first, what is the role of passion in event management?

The events industry, characterized by constant change and high-pressure situations, requires a deep-seated love for the work to thrive. Passion is not merely an asset; it’s a necessity for any event professional.

It's the driving force that enables them to power through sleep-deprived nights and handle the intense pressures of last-minute changes and high-stakes decision-making. Without passion, burnout becomes significantly more likely.

"If you are going to be in the events industry, you have to love it."

Acknowledging mental health challenges

The mental health of event professionals frequently suffers due to the high demands and nature of the job. The desire to please clients and the struggle to juggle numerous tasks create significant stress and anxiety. 

Nguyen shares a poignant example of her team member who experienced a panic attack due to overwhelming, last-minute client demands. This incident helped Nguyen understand the acute need for mental health awareness and support within the industry.

"Your feelings are absolutely valid. It's ok to feel frustrated."

The role of leadership in cultivating a supportive work culture

Nguyen reflected on her experiences as a young leader when she placed undue pressure on her team, leading to high turnover and burnout. This realization prompted her to shift her leadership approach to be more supportive and prioritize mental health and work-life balance.

She implemented strategies that promote a balanced workload and encourage team members to share their struggles, helping them manage both personal and professional responsibilities.

This approach not only helped in immediate crisis management but also built a foundation for long-term mental well-being.

"Leadership actions matter. If I'm not leading by example, it's all going to fall flat."

Actionable tips for enhancing mental health

Nguyen has implemented several practical measures to safeguard her team's mental health. These include:

  1. Flexible schedules: Allow team members to set their working hours and deadlines to accommodate personal needs.
  2. Recovery days: Encourage team members to take time off after intensive projects to rest and recuperate.
  3. Ongoing support: Regular check-ins during challenging situations help team members feel valued and supported.
  4. Empowerment and autonomy: Empower employees to make decisions about their work and the methods they employ to foster a sense of ownership and control over their tasks.
  5. Technology and tools: Invest in technology that simplifies tasks and reduces redundancy, thereby increasing efficiency.
  6. Personal space: Promote work-from-home arrangements and personal time-offs so your team members can work in environments that best suit their mental and physical well-being.

It's high time for the events industry to recognize that mental health is indeed its best friend. By leading with empathy, promoting a supportive culture, and implementing practical strategies, event leaders can ensure that their teams not only survive but thrive. 

Watch the complete video session for more insights.

Key Highlights

About the Speaker
Huong Nguyen
Founder & CEO, Shiloh Events
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