Creativity & Design Thinking

The Power of Effective Brainstorming: Unlocking Creativity for Event Success

Stephanie Christensen
Experiential Marketing Leader

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Stephanie Christensen, a seasoned event marketer with over 15 years of experience, recently shared her insights on the transformative power of effective brainstorming. 

In a lively session hosted at Solid Sea Ski Resort, she delved into how structured brainstorming can lead to breakthrough event experiences. In this article, we will recap the key points she discussed during the session.

The three Ws of event planning: wild, weird, and (a lot of) work

Stephanie begins by emphasizing the importance of three key elements in any successful event: wild, weird, and (a lot of) work. These "Three Ws" form the foundation of her planning philosophy, helping her deliver events that stand out and leave a lasting impact.

However, success with this approach requires a balance between creativity and practicality, which brings us to the role of the brain in the creative process.

Understanding the role of the brain in event planning

Stephanie highlights the importance of focusing on the qualities of both sides of the brain—the left and right sides—in event planning. 

Traditionally, the left brain is associated with logic and order, while the right brain is linked to creativity and innovation. As someone who identifies as left-brained, Stephanie has learned to appreciate the value of right-brained, visionary thinking in her work.

“I am overly cautious, detail-oriented, and have to have everything very, very planned and in order. But one of the things that I found in my career is that I’ve worked with a lot of people who are opposite of me. They’re visionary people, and they have these shoot-for-the-stars crazy ideas.”

Recognizing and integrating both types of thinking is crucial, especially during the brainstorming phase. By doing so, event planners can unlock their full creative potential and develop ideas that are both innovative and executable.

The creative process: Divergent and convergent thinking

The creative process in event planning involves two key cycles: divergent thinking and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking is about going far and wide with ideas, imagining the possibilities without limitations. This phase allows event planners to explore bold, unconventional ideas. 

“Let people be bold and let people not be afraid to throw off-the-wall things out there.”

However, Stephanie then stresses the importance of the next phase, convergence, where these ideas are refined and focused.

“After we go big, now we’re going to converge. We will dial in some of these ideas, narrow them down, and bring them all together.”

Balancing these two phases—allowing for wild brainstorming while ensuring the ideas are actionable—is essential for successful event planning.

IDEO University’s rules for effective brainstorming

A significant part of Stephanie’s session was dedicated to the rules for effective brainstorming taught by IDEO University. She finds these rules invaluable and uses them to create an environment where creativity can thrive:

  1. Defer judgment. Create a judge-free zone where all ideas are welcome.
  2. Encourage wild ideas. The wilder, the better. This is where truly innovative ideas come from.
  3. Build on the ideas of others. Use the “Yes, and…” approach instead of “No, but…” to foster a positive, collaborative environment.
  4. Stay focused on the topic. While it’s easy to get carried away, staying on topic ensures the session remains productive.
  5. Be visual. Use tools like sticky notes and whiteboards to visualize ideas, even in virtual settings.
  6. Go for quantity. Aim to generate as many ideas as possible in a set time.
“In a 60-minute brainstorming session, you should have generated about 100 new ideas.”

These guidelines have helped Stephanie and her teams tap into their creative potential and consistently generate groundbreaking event ideas.

Effective brainstorming is a powerful tool for any event planner. As Stephanie Christensen reminds us, it’s all about allowing ourselves the time and space to think big, while also having the discipline to refine and execute those ideas.

Watch the complete video session for more insights.

Key Highlights

About the Speaker
Stephanie Christensen
Experiential Marketing Leader
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