Virtual + Hybrid

Put Engagement at the Heart of Your Event

Create easy-to-use event engagement options for your audience with pinned Q&A, polls, and the ability to have a two-way conversation with the speakers.

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Keep Engagement Front and Center for Your Virtual and Hybrid Event

Chat, Polls, Q&A

Built-in features for keeping the attendees engaged


Drive high-intent conversations from within sessions with customizable buttons


Event and session-level survey features built-in for collecting feedback


Speed-dating style, recommended matches, or attendee driven 1:1 meetings 


Drive attendee participation with a leaderboard and foster healthy competition

Breakout rooms

Drive deeper value for your attendees with smaller, more focused discussions

Chat, Polls, Q&A

Built-in features for keeping the attendees hooked

Call-to-action buttons

Drive high-intent conversations from within sessions with customizable buttons


Event and session-level survey features built-in for collecting feedback


Speed-dating, recommended matches or attendee driven 1:1 meetings

Gamify your event

Drive attendee participation across your event with a leaderboard and foster healthy competition

Breakout rooms

Use breakout rooms to drive deeper value for your attendees with smaller, more focused discussions

Chat, polls, Q&A

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Drive attendee participation with chat, polls, Q&A

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Onscreen pinned polls, Q&A, surveys, etc. help catalyze engagement

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Customize the call-to-action button to embed an iframe or redirect to another link


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Build surveys from scratch with various question formats like ratings, multiple choice, and short answers

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Preschedule session surveys to automatically launch before the session ends

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Survey analysis is made easy by integration with MAP/CRM and other tools

Choose the right networking experience for your event

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Multiple formats for networking, such as profile match-based, 1:1 meetings, or recommended profiles

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Time-bound networking to drive conversations and reduce the initial hesitation

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Define rules for networking like interest-specific or tier-based


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Drive desired attendee behavior by awarding points for engagement actions

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Organizers can define actions for which points are awarded and tailor the gamification for their event

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Earn points for profile completion, Q&A, session attendees, poll votes, and even meetings attended, amongst others

Breakout rooms for topic-specific deep dives or interactive conversations

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Break attendees from sessions and bring them back with one click

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Automated or predefined breakout rooms that can split attendees dynamically into subgroups

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Create rooms dedicated to pre-decided themes or topics

Don’t just take our word for it!

Clarance Vissakodeti, People and Cultural Operations Leader of ServiceNow
Clarance Vissakodeti
People & Culture Operations Leader
Enriching & immersive experience with Zuddl
Zuddl more than met our needs when we wanted to have a semi-hybrid event. The team also goes above and beyond and ensures that your event is covered to the minutest detail.
169 mins
Average time spent by attendees at their first hybrid flagship conference.
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Brad Brown, Senior Director of Marketing and Sales Ops Of Zylo
Brad Brown
Senior Director of Marketing and Sales Ops
No other tool can provide the same opportunity and results as Zuddl
It would have taken a herculean manual lift to accomplish the things that Zuddl made possible for us through the platform. Nobody is doing it remotely close to how Zuddl is doing it.
Growth in new pipeline from user conference SaaSMe'23 as compared to 2022
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Asher Mathew, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Partnership Leaders
Asher Mathew
Co-Founder &
Chief Executive Officer
Catalyst ’23 was an attendee-centric, world-class conference
Every bit of our in-person conference was made seamless, easy, and personalized for attendees, from the conference app to check-in (which took less than 60 seconds per person!), thanks to Zuddl.
Attendees used the app to navigate the venue, receive updates, and network
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Hillary Foster, Global Events & Sponsorship Lead from Cloudsmith
Hillary Foster
Global Events &Sponsorship Lead
Zuddl is the one tool in my tool chain that works every single time
With Zuddl, we are able to make our webinars look better, be more interactive, and get access to better data. It lets us really take our program to the next level and stand out in our industry.
Increase in webinar registrations MoM
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