
B2B Influencer Marketing: Unveiling Insights with Anton Shulke of Duda

When leveraged tactfully, influencer marketing can be a potent tool in the B2B marketer's arsenal. In this episode, Anton Shulke, Head of Influencer Marketing at Duda, shares on-ground insights from his experience with driving B2B influencer marketing efforts through events.

Episode Highlights

Influencer marketing’s place in a B2B marketing context
Building an influencer marketing program for B2B companies
Can you measure ROI from an influencer marketing program?


Hello guys, welcome back to Backstage with Zuddl. It's time for episode 19. And as always, we've got something unique for you. This time around, we're gonna be chatting about influencer marketing. Most of us may already be familiar with influencer marketing because we use social media. We see celebrities endorsing brands. 

But today's topic is a little different because we are going to specifically talk about influencer marketing in the context of B to B companies.

That's right. So it's gonna be really enlightening because we have Anton Shulke, head of influencer marketing from Duda, who's gonna share tactical and usable insights for any event marketer or B to B marketer who wants to start off with influencer marketing in the B to B marketing space. 

We have some really good highlights from Anton's conversation with our VP of marketing, Ketan Pandit. So yeah, grab your headphones and maybe a piece of pen and paper too because you're gonna have some amazing, amazing tips from this chat. I can promise you that. All right. So let's go right into the conversation. See you guys on the other side.


In the context of B to B, right?

Which is, and I know you have thoughts on B to B versus B to C but in the context of a business, right? How, how important are influencers when it comes to helping you build trust and credibility? 


Yeah, I think it's, it's very important. Of course, depending on your business, it could be the most important or could be less important, but it's one of the very important channels like graphic, like content marketing. So you, you always, you, you, you should do it talking about B two C and B to B. Yeah, people really, really split it like a completely different, different things. But business, business as an institution will probably never listen to you because business is just business. Business consists of people. So people might listen to you. So you might influence people who are really part of this business. So it's not that far away. But of course, when people think about B two C, they really understand those types of business like I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm drinking, I don't know, some Coca Cola in front of a million people. And this is how, how, how it works, how it, this is probably been already, I don't know, 50 years, 70 years. So something like that, not only just it, it, it, it, it was there, right? But that also means that you need to have the right set of influencers to work with, right? And that sometimes is a big challenge because you want to make sure that the people you're working with believe in the same things as your business does have the same compliance and ethos. So how do you go about identifying that? Well, that's a very good question and sometimes it's very counterintuitive. So I, I, I'll give you an example. OK, with, when I worked for, for Sam was very, very easy because Sara is Seo too. So you basically know who is your community, community seo community co community is very striving. Very people. I really talk, you used to be on, on, on Twitter. Now, I don't even know how to call it. I don't know. OK. But never mind. So you basically, you basically, you live in this community, you understand what's happening and you spend so much time just reading what people saying and, and everything and this way you understand who is influencer, who is, be the influencer, who is small. But what I wanted to say sometimes is very counterintuitive. Who might be your influencer when I joined. Do I didn't know much about web design and I did know much about for example, CM and I thought OK, probably probably our audience, one of the main audience would be web designers and I was wrong and I was wrong and I can explain why. So first, if seo community is a real community, not in, in the terms of this disease, they live on a platform. No, but it's a real community. People know each other. People know who is influenced, who is not who, who knows the stuff. Web designers, they are very segmented, they split own platform. So people who work with wordpress, they just only communicate with people who work with Word Press. The same with I don't know square space with, for example, do as well its own community smaller but still it's strive thriving community. So it would be very difficult, almost impossible for me to grow and to pick up someone wordpress expert and try convert him into doing the and it won't, it, it, it doesn't work, doesn't work. And another thing why it doesn't work because actually it's not your, it's not our audience. 

Meet the guest

Anton Shulke

Head of Influencer Marketing, Duda

Anton has cultivated loyal communities through hosting Webinars and Roundtables since 2015. During this time he’s been host to many of the industry’s big names including Rand Fishkin, Bill Slawski, Aleyda Solis, Barry Schwartz, Joe Pulizzi, Alan Bleiweiss, Larry Kim, Jason Barnard along with many more.

Ketan Pandit, Head of Marketing, Zuddl
Meet the guest

Ketan Pandit

VP Marketing, Zuddl

A seasoned B2B marketer with expertise in building scalable demand generation engines and partnership ecosystems. Prior to heading marketing at Zuddl, Ketan has helped build the partnerships ecosystem, and led demand generation at CleverTap, built the marketing team at Aureus Analytics, and worked at consulting giants Cognizant, Persistent Systems and TCS.

Meet the guest

hosted by

Kishore CS

Content Lead, Zuddl

Kishore leads Zuddl’s content marketing efforts. With over a decade of experience in the content field, Kishore’s experience ranges from content writing and editing to strategy and analytics for B2B and B2C companies.

Kishore CS, Content Lead, Zuddl
hosted by

Shreya Sanjay

Content and Social Media, Zuddl

Shreya runs Zuddl's social media, from creating content all the way to sending out quirky replies! A young mind, filled with creativity and enthusiasm to share ideas in multiple ways. Shreya's previously worked in films and digital media.