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How to Market an Event: Strategies to Convert Registrants into Attendees

Marketing an event is a multi-faceted endeavor, especially in B2B, where decision-making processes can be complex, and the audience is highly discerning.  Getting people to sign up is one thing, but making sure they show up excited is another. From the moment they register until they walk through the event doors, keeping their excitement alive is key. Here’s how to effectively market your event and turn those sign-ups into enthusiastic participants.

Event marketing is both an art and a science. It involves creating compelling messaging, targeting the right audience, and maintaining consistent communication. According to a report, 52% of event marketers believe that event marketing drives more business value than other marketing channels. However, one of the biggest challenges remains converting registrants into actual attendees.

So, how do you ensure your event stands out in a crowded market? How do you maintain the momentum from registration to attendance? Let’s break it down.

Understanding Your Audience

Segmenting Your Audience

  1. Identify Key Segments: Not all registrants are the same. Segment your audience based on criteria like job role, industry, company size, and behavior. This allows for more targeted and personalized communication.
  2. Personalization: Use the data from your CRM and registration platform to personalize messages. According to Campaign Monitor, a personalized email has a 26% higher open rate than a generic one.

Creating Buyer Personas

  1. Develop Detailed Personas: Create detailed buyer personas to understand your audience's pain points, goals, and preferences. This will help you craft messages that resonate.
  2. Tailored Content: Use these personas to tailor your content and messaging. For example, a CEO might be interested in networking opportunities, while a mid-level manager might be more interested in practical workshops.

Crafting Compelling Pre-Event Content

Engaging Email Campaigns

  1. Welcome Series: Start with a welcome series of emails that confirm registration, provide event details, and build excitement. Include key information about speakers, sessions, and networking opportunities.
  2. Countdown Emails: Send countdown emails as the event approaches. Include highlights, speaker spotlights, and practical information, such as venue details or how to access virtual platforms.

Leveraging Social Media

  1. Create a Hashtag: Develop a unique event hashtag and encourage registrants to use it. This helps build community and anticipation.
  2. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content: Post behind-the-scenes content to give registrants a glimpse of what to expect. This can include speaker interviews, venue tours, and sneak peeks of the agenda.

Interactive Content

  1. Webinars and Live Q&A Sessions: Host pre-event and live Q&A sessions with speakers or organizers. This builds excitement and allows registrants to engage and ask questions.
  2. Polls and Surveys: Use polls and surveys to involve your audience in the event planning. Ask for their input on session topics, speakers, or activities, which will make them feel invested in the event.

Maximizing the Power of Social Proof

Testimonials and Case Studies

  1. Share Testimonials: Post testimonials from past attendees highlighting their positive experiences. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from others over branded content.
  2. Case Studies: Create case studies showcasing the tangible benefits attendees have gained from previous events.

User-Generated Content

  1. Encourage Sharing: Encourage registrants to share their excitement on social media. Offer incentives like discounts or exclusive access to special sessions for those who post about the event.
  2. Feature Attendees: Highlight attendees in your marketing materials. For example, feature a “registrant of the week” on your social media channels.

Implementing Effective Reminders and Follow-Ups

Timely Reminders

  1. Email Reminders: Send email reminders one week, three days, and one day before the event. Ensure these emails are informative and reinforce the value of attending.
  2. SMS Reminders: For a more immediate touch, use SMS reminders. According to Gartner, SMS open rates can be as high as 98%.

Post-Registration Engagement

  1. Exclusive Pre-Event Content: Offer exclusive pre-event content, such as eBooks, whitepapers, or access to a VIP group. This keeps registrants engaged and excited.
  2. Community Building: Create an online community or forum where registrants can start networking before the event. Platforms like LinkedIn Groups or dedicated event apps work well for this purpose.

Enhancing the On-Site Experience

Seamless Check-In Process

  1. Mobile Check-In: Use mobile check-in to streamline the process. According to a study by Eventbrite, events that use mobile check-in see 20% higher attendee satisfaction.
  2. Clear Signage and Assistance: Ensure clear signage and provide plenty of assistance at the venue to make the check-in process as smooth as possible.

Engaging On-Site Activities

  1. Interactive Booths and Activities: Set up interactive booths and activities to engage attendees when they arrive. This could include gamified experiences, photo booths, or live demos.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Facilitate networking with dedicated spaces, scheduled breaks, and networking apps that help attendees connect with each other.

Real-Time Engagement

  1. Live Polling and Q&A: Use live polling and Q&A sessions during presentations to keep attendees involved.
  2. Social Media Engagement: Encourage attendees to post on social media using the event hashtag. Display a live social media feed to keep the energy high.

Post-Event Follow-Up

Collecting Feedback

  1. Surveys: Send out post-event surveys to collect feedback. Ask specific questions about what worked well and what could be improved.
  2. Incentives for Feedback: Offer incentives like discounts on future events or access to exclusive content for those who provide feedback.

Sharing Event Highlights

  1. Recap Videos and Blogs: Create engaging recap videos and blog posts highlighting key moments and takeaways from the event.
  2. On-Demand Content: Make session recordings available on demand. This will keep the event’s value alive long after it’s over.

Continuing the Conversation

  1. Follow-Up Content: Send follow-up emails with additional content, such as links to recorded sessions, speaker slides, and related articles.
  2. Nurture Campaigns: Include registrants in nurture campaigns to keep them engaged with your brand and informed about future events.

TL;DR Summary

Converting event registrants into attendees involves personalized communication, engaging pre-event content, effective reminders, and post-event follow-ups. Use social proof, interactive content, and seamless check-in processes to enhance engagement. Continuously nurture your audience to ensure higher attendance and satisfaction at your B2B events.

Remember, the journey from registration to attendance is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep your audience engaged every step of the way, and you’ll see a significant boost in attendee numbers and satisfaction.

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How to Market an Event: Strategies to Convert Registrants into Attendees

Marketing an event is a multi-faceted endeavor, especially in B2B, where decision-making processes can be complex, and the audience is highly discerning.  Getting people to sign up is one thing, but making sure they show up excited is another. From the moment they register until they walk through the event doors, keeping their excitement alive is key. Here’s how to effectively market your event and turn those sign-ups into enthusiastic participants.

Event marketing is both an art and a science. It involves creating compelling messaging, targeting the right audience, and maintaining consistent communication. According to a report, 52% of event marketers believe that event marketing drives more business value than other marketing channels. However, one of the biggest challenges remains converting registrants into actual attendees.

So, how do you ensure your event stands out in a crowded market? How do you maintain the momentum from registration to attendance? Let’s break it down.

Understanding Your Audience

Segmenting Your Audience

  1. Identify Key Segments: Not all registrants are the same. Segment your audience based on criteria like job role, industry, company size, and behavior. This allows for more targeted and personalized communication.
  2. Personalization: Use the data from your CRM and registration platform to personalize messages. According to Campaign Monitor, a personalized email has a 26% higher open rate than a generic one.

Creating Buyer Personas

  1. Develop Detailed Personas: Create detailed buyer personas to understand your audience's pain points, goals, and preferences. This will help you craft messages that resonate.
  2. Tailored Content: Use these personas to tailor your content and messaging. For example, a CEO might be interested in networking opportunities, while a mid-level manager might be more interested in practical workshops.

Crafting Compelling Pre-Event Content

Engaging Email Campaigns

  1. Welcome Series: Start with a welcome series of emails that confirm registration, provide event details, and build excitement. Include key information about speakers, sessions, and networking opportunities.
  2. Countdown Emails: Send countdown emails as the event approaches. Include highlights, speaker spotlights, and practical information, such as venue details or how to access virtual platforms.

Leveraging Social Media

  1. Create a Hashtag: Develop a unique event hashtag and encourage registrants to use it. This helps build community and anticipation.
  2. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content: Post behind-the-scenes content to give registrants a glimpse of what to expect. This can include speaker interviews, venue tours, and sneak peeks of the agenda.

Interactive Content

  1. Webinars and Live Q&A Sessions: Host pre-event and live Q&A sessions with speakers or organizers. This builds excitement and allows registrants to engage and ask questions.
  2. Polls and Surveys: Use polls and surveys to involve your audience in the event planning. Ask for their input on session topics, speakers, or activities, which will make them feel invested in the event.

Maximizing the Power of Social Proof

Testimonials and Case Studies

  1. Share Testimonials: Post testimonials from past attendees highlighting their positive experiences. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from others over branded content.
  2. Case Studies: Create case studies showcasing the tangible benefits attendees have gained from previous events.

User-Generated Content

  1. Encourage Sharing: Encourage registrants to share their excitement on social media. Offer incentives like discounts or exclusive access to special sessions for those who post about the event.
  2. Feature Attendees: Highlight attendees in your marketing materials. For example, feature a “registrant of the week” on your social media channels.

Implementing Effective Reminders and Follow-Ups

Timely Reminders

  1. Email Reminders: Send email reminders one week, three days, and one day before the event. Ensure these emails are informative and reinforce the value of attending.
  2. SMS Reminders: For a more immediate touch, use SMS reminders. According to Gartner, SMS open rates can be as high as 98%.

Post-Registration Engagement

  1. Exclusive Pre-Event Content: Offer exclusive pre-event content, such as eBooks, whitepapers, or access to a VIP group. This keeps registrants engaged and excited.
  2. Community Building: Create an online community or forum where registrants can start networking before the event. Platforms like LinkedIn Groups or dedicated event apps work well for this purpose.

Enhancing the On-Site Experience

Seamless Check-In Process

  1. Mobile Check-In: Use mobile check-in to streamline the process. According to a study by Eventbrite, events that use mobile check-in see 20% higher attendee satisfaction.
  2. Clear Signage and Assistance: Ensure clear signage and provide plenty of assistance at the venue to make the check-in process as smooth as possible.

Engaging On-Site Activities

  1. Interactive Booths and Activities: Set up interactive booths and activities to engage attendees when they arrive. This could include gamified experiences, photo booths, or live demos.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Facilitate networking with dedicated spaces, scheduled breaks, and networking apps that help attendees connect with each other.

Real-Time Engagement

  1. Live Polling and Q&A: Use live polling and Q&A sessions during presentations to keep attendees involved.
  2. Social Media Engagement: Encourage attendees to post on social media using the event hashtag. Display a live social media feed to keep the energy high.

Post-Event Follow-Up

Collecting Feedback

  1. Surveys: Send out post-event surveys to collect feedback. Ask specific questions about what worked well and what could be improved.
  2. Incentives for Feedback: Offer incentives like discounts on future events or access to exclusive content for those who provide feedback.

Sharing Event Highlights

  1. Recap Videos and Blogs: Create engaging recap videos and blog posts highlighting key moments and takeaways from the event.
  2. On-Demand Content: Make session recordings available on demand. This will keep the event’s value alive long after it’s over.

Continuing the Conversation

  1. Follow-Up Content: Send follow-up emails with additional content, such as links to recorded sessions, speaker slides, and related articles.
  2. Nurture Campaigns: Include registrants in nurture campaigns to keep them engaged with your brand and informed about future events.

TL;DR Summary

Converting event registrants into attendees involves personalized communication, engaging pre-event content, effective reminders, and post-event follow-ups. Use social proof, interactive content, and seamless check-in processes to enhance engagement. Continuously nurture your audience to ensure higher attendance and satisfaction at your B2B events.

Remember, the journey from registration to attendance is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep your audience engaged every step of the way, and you’ll see a significant boost in attendee numbers and satisfaction.

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